Wednesday 16 April 2014

New Years Resolutions (yes they're late, but screw you, I've been busy!)

Those of you who were bullied into reading this blog back when I first started it, might remember me popping up my New Years Resolutions right at the start of 2013. And since I have thus far failed to post anything significant this year, I thought this would be a good chance to review them and how successful I was. So just pop a party hat on your head, consume your body weight in alcohol, and pretend that it’s still New Year and not Easter.

1.       Complete and finish posting Magic Monsters Dominions and Destiny.

Failed – well I sort of failed at this one. Sort of, because it is so very close to being complete (I’m missing one kiss scene, and two duels), and is six chapters away from being completely posted. This isn’t tasting the ending, but I’m sticking my tongue out and starting to catch a few drops of sweetness on the end.

2.       Choreograph and perform a belly dance solo.

Failed – simply because we didn’t actually go to Jersey in 2013 (we went in April 2014 instead and I failed to perform a solo there purely because we only knew two months in advance and I had no time to prepare anything).

3.       Start a blog for writing, rambling, taking photographs and watching the world go by.

Check – though the amount I use the blog could definitely use some improving.

4.       Start the second draft of The Wolf Pack.

Check – I did half of the second draft for Camp Nano in April.

5.       Make a new cosplay.

Check – I made Kisara and a kimono plus quite a lot of steampunk stuff.

6.       Run the Race for Life in under 35 minutes.

Failed – but only just. 37 minutes 38 seconds, which considering in 2012 I was 42 minutes, isn’t bad at all!

So three out of six isn’t bad, and two of those weren’t so much failures as much as I just fell short of the mark. And since I’m doing this now, I suppose it’s a good chance to outline my plans and goals for this year. Only this year, I have to admit, they are a bit more serious than last year.

1.       Be sending out to literary agents by the end of the year.

This is the big one. If I do none of the others, succeeding at this one would make failing everything else worthwhile. Notable because I have actually set myself a proper deadline for this. By the 31st October I want to have my current project (The God Relic) finished and in a position where I think it’s a good representation for me when I throw myself at the feet of literary agents. October might sound like a while away, but there is a reason for me choosing this month – it means I’ve got time to whip the second draft into shape whilst ironing out the truck-sized plotholes that cropped up in the first, and also because my second resolution is...

2.       Enter Bridport Literary Festival.

Entering Bridport was an idea I had at the beginning of the year, and I am currently roughly on schedule for it. I’m entering the short story and the novel competitions. My short story entry is in the editing stage, while The God Relic will be my novel entry. Since The God Relic only needs to be submitted in chunks depending on whether you are long listed or short listed, this gives me three nicely spaced deadlines to have different stages of the story done. The results are announced in October, which means that by then I will a) have a completed novel, and b) if I haven’t won, then I’m free to start flinging the manuscript at other agents. And if I do win, I score myself editing assistance and a possible contract. I call this plan solid.

3.       Finish Magic Monsters Dominions and Destiny.

It’s up here purely because it needs to be. I have got to finish it this year and close the chapter on this story series. It’s time, and there are a lot of other fanfictions doing a sexy fan dance in my sight.

4.       Make a new cosplay.

I’ve already got a few lined up, so I don’t know if this is cheating. I’ve got a magical girl cosplay that I’m doing for my birthday party, plus a few steampunk ones that I want to put together.

5.       Run the Race for Life in under 35 minutes.

Needs no explanation. I just have to train a little bit before the race so that I can shave off those last two minutes.

6.       Organise either a Steampunk Photoshoot with friends or a Cosplay Picnic.

I’ve wanted to do this for a little while. Basically I love dressing up and wandering around in public places. And if we can get a camera out there, even better. Plus I have the most awesome friends, who are always up for a bit of dressing up.

7.       GM an RPG.

We have a new game shop in Guernsey with a room dedicated to running roleplaying games. I haven’t GMed in so long, and I have a few ideas knocking around.

8.       Get Craig to come live in Guernsey.

I’ve spent the last few months crying, despairing, panicking and generally making myself ill over this matter, to the point where the doctor has actually told me to stop before I damage something irreparable. I want a mature and dedicated relationship where I don’t have to be a slave to the will of Skype and an unwieldy internet provider that has nothing but scorn for me and my boyfriend. And what it boils down to, is I want to spend the rest of my life with this obnoxious nerdy American, and for reasons I cannot fathom, he wants to spend the rest of his life with this snarky British genki girl. So together we shall be.

So, that's the targets for 2014, slightly ambitious considering that we're already four months in. >.< Better get to work then!

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